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Achat d'un velo et reparation d'un autre.
De bon vendeurs au velo
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"Verified purchase", What is this?
When a review is marked as "Verified Purchase" by Decathlon, it means that we were able to check that the customer who wrote the review purchased the product at Decathlon.
We can verify purchases for reviews requesting by email or when the customer wrote a review from his personal account.
If a review is not marked "Verified Purchase", It doesn't mean that the reviewer has no experience with the product. He can give his opinion directly on the website without any authentification, or product may have been offered or borowed.
"Verified Purchase" is here to help you to judge the review's reliability
40-49 лет Женщина
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1 неделя или менее
Les vendeurs sont competant dans leur domaine et un bon service apres vente. De bon conseil.
De 10 bolas habeis pasado a paquetes de 6... Vaya subida de precio!. No pienso comprar nada mas.
Ответ бренда
Buenos dias Gumersindo,
Agradecerle la confianza depositada en Decathlon como su tienda de compra de material deportivo. Su opinion es muy importante para seguir desarrollando los mejores productos. Respecto a las pelotas del primer precio en TDM, el cambio de pack es debido a un cambio de material como seguro conocera en la fabricacion de todas las pelotas del mercado. Este hecho incrementa la produccion y la manera de contraprestarlo ha sido decrecer el precio del pack y las cantidades en el mismo. Con el objetivo de seguir manteniendo la calidad en el rebote y durabilidad.
Reciba un cordial saludo,
Gumersindo этот ответ не понравился
basicas y ecoomicas
algo fragiles
Проверенное мнение
"Verified purchase", What is this?
When a review is marked as "Verified Purchase" by Decathlon, it means that we were able to check that the customer who wrote the review purchased the product at Decathlon.
We can verify purchases for reviews requesting by email or when the customer wrote a review from his personal account.
If a review is not marked "Verified Purchase", It doesn't mean that the reviewer has no experience with the product. He can give his opinion directly on the website without any authentification, or product may have been offered or borowed.
"Verified Purchase" is here to help you to judge the review's reliability
40-49 лет Мужчина
Использованный с
от 2 до 8 недель
son algo fragiles pero su precio es muy bueno
Le prix
la qualite un peu legere
Проверенное мнение
"Verified purchase", What is this?
When a review is marked as "Verified Purchase" by Decathlon, it means that we were able to check that the customer who wrote the review purchased the product at Decathlon.
We can verify purchases for reviews requesting by email or when the customer wrote a review from his personal account.
If a review is not marked "Verified Purchase", It doesn't mean that the reviewer has no experience with the product. He can give his opinion directly on the website without any authentification, or product may have been offered or borowed.
"Verified Purchase" is here to help you to judge the review's reliability
50-59 лет Мужчина
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1 неделя или менее
J'espere que la duree d'utilisation sera correcte....
En attendant le prix est inferieur aux marques habituelles du marche. Et quand on sait qu'elles ont souvent fabriquees en Chine dans les memes usines, pourquoi payer plus cher.
uygun fiyata iyi kalite
Проверенное мнение
"Verified purchase", What is this?
When a review is marked as "Verified Purchase" by Decathlon, it means that we were able to check that the customer who wrote the review purchased the product at Decathlon.
We can verify purchases for reviews requesting by email or when the customer wrote a review from his personal account.
If a review is not marked "Verified Purchase", It doesn't mean that the reviewer has no experience with the product. He can give his opinion directly on the website without any authentification, or product may have been offered or borowed.
"Verified Purchase" is here to help you to judge the review's reliability
30-39 лет Мужчина
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от 2 до 8 недель
Masa tenisine yeni baslayan oglumla urunu test ettik.saglamligini kan?tlad?.fiyati da makul.daha ne olsun...
qualite prix
Проверенное мнение
"Verified purchase", What is this?
When a review is marked as "Verified Purchase" by Decathlon, it means that we were able to check that the customer who wrote the review purchased the product at Decathlon.
We can verify purchases for reviews requesting by email or when the customer wrote a review from his personal account.
If a review is not marked "Verified Purchase", It doesn't mean that the reviewer has no experience with the product. He can give his opinion directly on the website without any authentification, or product may have been offered or borowed.
"Verified Purchase" is here to help you to judge the review's reliability
30-39 лет Мужчина
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Более 1 года
Tres bon produit.
Conforme a la description.
J'ai l'impression qu'elles s'abiment vite mais n'ayant pas d'element de comparaison, dure a dire
Urunleri satmadan evvel koruyal?m :)
standart ag?rl?g?nda degil..
Проверенное мнение
"Verified purchase", What is this?
When a review is marked as "Verified Purchase" by Decathlon, it means that we were able to check that the customer who wrote the review purchased the product at Decathlon.
We can verify purchases for reviews requesting by email or when the customer wrote a review from his personal account.
If a review is not marked "Verified Purchase", It doesn't mean that the reviewer has no experience with the product. He can give his opinion directly on the website without any authentification, or product may have been offered or borowed.
"Verified Purchase" is here to help you to judge the review's reliability
50-59 лет Мужчина
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Более 1 года
urun iyi ancak reyonlardaki ortam? daha sagl?kl? olmal?..ben y?llard?r oynuyorum, top masa tenisinin en hassas birimlerinden biridir.Onu ancak taniyan bilen inceler ve alir..Reyonlardaki hali icler ac?s?, bir cuval, ordan oraya, sonucta y?pran?r..Zaten bizde alis-veris kulturu yok.Pantolon reyonunda ipleri kopmus ayakkab? bulabilirsin..Yani malzemeleri daha ozenle korumak gerekir..Mesela son ald?g?m torbadaki toplardan biri, catlakm?s, evde farkedebildim ama henuz degistirmeye gelemedim...En iyi dileklerimle..
Ответ бренда
Merhabalar Selahattin Bey,
Oncelikle Artengo-FB800 10'lu masa tenisi topumuz hakk?nda yapm?s oldugunuz degerli yorumunuz icin tesekkur ederiz.
Urunlerimizin magazalar?m?zda sergilenme sekli tum musterilerimizin urunleri inceleyerek ve deneyerek almalar? icindir.H?zl? magazac?l?k anlay?s? ile urunlerimizin bir cocugunda kutu veya ambalaj yoktur.Magazalar?m?zdan sat?n alacag?n?z urunlerin hemen kullan?labilir olmas? icin bu sekilde sat?stad?r.Urunlerde herhangi bir kutu veya ambalaj olmamas? urunlerin maliyetlerini azaltarak sizlere en uygun fiyatla sunmam?z? da saglamaktad?r.
Ayr?ca urunlerde ekstra paketleme veya kutulama islemi yap?lmayarak dogay? korumak da amaclar?m?z aras?ndad?r.
Fakat magazalar?m?zda urunlerin bir cogunda sizlerinde yasad?g? sorun ne yaz?k ki mevcuttur.Yasad?g?n?z bu sorunda hassasiyetinizi anl?yor ve bu durum icin sizlerden ozur diliyoruz.
Anlay?s?n?z icin tesekkur eder,sporlu gunler dileriz.
Bilgesu OZCAN Web Marketer DECATHLON
Selahattin этот ответ не понравился
Bunu soruyor olman?z cok guzel.
Top ilk gun oglumun parmag?n? catlatt?:(
Проверенное мнение
"Verified purchase", What is this?
When a review is marked as "Verified Purchase" by Decathlon, it means that we were able to check that the customer who wrote the review purchased the product at Decathlon.
We can verify purchases for reviews requesting by email or when the customer wrote a review from his personal account.
If a review is not marked "Verified Purchase", It doesn't mean that the reviewer has no experience with the product. He can give his opinion directly on the website without any authentification, or product may have been offered or borowed.
"Verified Purchase" is here to help you to judge the review's reliability
30-39 лет Мужчина
Использованный с
от 2 до 8 недель
Kalitelisiniz. Fiyatlar?n?z rekabetci degil ama makul. Musteri olarak en buyuk beklentim cesit ki bu konuda rakibiniz yok.
TB comme toujours
Проверенное мнение
"Verified purchase", What is this?
When a review is marked as "Verified Purchase" by Decathlon, it means that we were able to check that the customer who wrote the review purchased the product at Decathlon.
We can verify purchases for reviews requesting by email or when the customer wrote a review from his personal account.
If a review is not marked "Verified Purchase", It doesn't mean that the reviewer has no experience with the product. He can give his opinion directly on the website without any authentification, or product may have been offered or borowed.
"Verified Purchase" is here to help you to judge the review's reliability
40-49 лет Мужчина
Использованный с
от 2 до 8 недель
conforme a mes attentes
pantalon jogging ADDIDAS
bon rapport qualite prix
Проверенное мнение
"Verified purchase", What is this?
When a review is marked as "Verified Purchase" by Decathlon, it means that we were able to check that the customer who wrote the review purchased the product at Decathlon.
We can verify purchases for reviews requesting by email or when the customer wrote a review from his personal account.
If a review is not marked "Verified Purchase", It doesn't mean that the reviewer has no experience with the product. He can give his opinion directly on the website without any authentification, or product may have been offered or borowed.
"Verified Purchase" is here to help you to judge the review's reliability
Более 60 лет Мужчина
Использованный с
Более 2-х лет
choix et qualite au meilleur prix